Rotary Citation 2022-2023

               We Did it Again - Congratulations to Us! 

The Rotary Citation award recognizes the hard work clubs do throughout the year. Every Rotary, Rotaract or Interact club can earn a Rotary Citation for achieving goals that strengthen Rotary and align to clubs Strategic and Annual plans. Rotary club leaders select at least 13 out of 25 goals they wish to apply toward citation achievement. This flexibility allows clubs to choose the goals that are most relevant and achievable. All achievements need to be reported in Rotary Club Central by 30 June. We are fortunate that every year our goals have been recorded, updated, and reported by Leanne Jaggs, thank you. Below were our 18 achieved 2022-2023 goals. Congratulations again members of the RC Manukau Sunrise another milestone to celebrate and be proud of. 

Club membership
Service participation
New member sponsorship
Rotary Action Group Participation
Leadership development participation
District conference attendance
Rotary Fellowship participation
District training participation
Annual Fund TRF contributions
PolioPlus Fund contributions
RYLA participation
Strategic plan
Online presence
Social activities
Media stories about club projects
Use of official Rotary promotional materials